Studio 101 – Putting a bounce in every ounce

Nivedita Dempo takes fitness to a new level with her well-equipped fitness studio in the heart of Panjim

A run on the beach is my favourite kind of workout. There’s nothing like the salty sea breeze in your hair, an open stretch of sand and your favourite shoes that make wanting to exercise such a piece of cake. Most other forms of workouts elicit a groan – they don’t seem to be as much fun.

But it’s not always easy to go running on the beach in Goa. The monsoons are literally a rain on your parade, so looking for enjoyable alternatives suddenly takes up your time. I’d always heard the buzz around zumba in Goa, where you exercise to music. So a few years ago, I decided to try this rage and find out what the fuss was all about.

There was obviously something magnetic about this workout style. It led Nivedita Dempo to quit a successful corporate job after many years in the US to start her state-of-the-art fitness facility, Studio 101, in Goa, where she holds a wide range of exercise activities. Three years ago, I booked myself into a zumba class imagining I’d do fairly well to keep up with what I heard was an energetic routine.

But Nivedita’s passion blew me away. She was like a firecracker with each new song, pumping up the energy, keeping her class moving and cheering them on to give it their all with every move. Nivedita explained, “Zumba is not a magic pill that you take which will immediately transform your body. It will work just like any other exercise programme if you stick to it and eat right. The only difference – zumba is easier to stick to because it is a fun way to work out by combining Latin music and easy-to-follow dance moves.” Although Nivedita doesn’t teach Zumba anymore as she became  busy overseeing the operations of the premium gym, the current instructor Joseph (Joe) is also very popular.

From 6.30am for the early birds to 9pm for those who prefer later workouts, Studio 101 conducts wide range of classes ranging from Zumba to choreography, Body Pump weight training, kick aerobics, dance fitness, pilates and yoga. And it’s not just people who want to slim down who come here. It’s a place for anyone who likes to stay healthy. From as young as seven years old in the children’s classes all the way up to enthusiasts in their 70s, people stream in through the door and walk out feeling full of life.

Divided into two clear sections, Studio 101 separates its Fitness Floor for those who want to hit the treadmills, cross trainers and bikes; and the Group Exercise Studio where we were exercising. Nivedita has kitted the studio with fitness equipment from PRECOR, one of the most respected brands in the business in the US. Studio 101 also features Olympic standard sports flooring with special foam layers to protect one’s joints during workouts.

An in-house nutritionist means clients can include private consultations into their programmes to ensure their fitness mantras don’t stay in the gym. A physiotherapist and masseuse are also available on call to cater to client requirements. I was also tempted to try the Health Café which offers a variety of healthy tasty snacks and whole-grain breads made by Vandana Naique of Bodega especially for Studio 101. There are also handmade soaps of many varieties like ‘rose & wine’ and ‘lemongrass orange’ available to take home.

The healthy snacks keep you energised, just like the workouts at Nivedita’s Studio 101 gym. Nivedita explained that adding variety to your workouts keeps boredom at bay and constantly challenges you. A certified fitness trainer from the American Council on Exercise, she introduced zumba to Goa in 2009 when people had barely heard of the word.

The ladies were bouncing with energy and even after a strenuous workout, they still seemed ready for some more. That’s something that Nivedita and her Studio 101 leave you with – a smile. As I left, I knew I’d be back, sooner rather than later.