Love The Green

Putting the ‘treat’ in retreat

Re-energise and return naturally to your happy equilibrium with a yoga and detox retreat at Love The Green. Organic, wholesome and natural, this life-changing centre in south Goa offers holistic treatments to bring out the best version of yourself.

Beginning October 23, 2017, the menu will include a special 7-Day Residential Booze Free Revolution Retreat, a whole week of therapies, treatments and motivational help to give guests a kick-starter in an alcohol-free environment. Hosted by yoga expert and retreat owner Faye Brown, it also incorporates motivational workshops and discussion groups on how to cut down on completely give up alcohol. 

Yoga, meditation, detox, dance, and nutritious food – with some refreshing pampering thrown in – make for the ideal revitalising sojourn amid a tropical forest in western India. Located conveniently near popular south Goa beaches including Patnem, Palolem, Agonda and Galgibagh, Love The Green sits on the edge of a traditional village offering views of the breath-taking Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot.

The River Talpona meanders just below while monkeys and birds of vivid colours streak across the sky at regular intervals. Take time out from your busy schedules to immerse yourself in life the way it was meant to be lived. Commit to health for just three days with Love The Green and you might find yourself in a lifelong relationship.

Retreats at Love The Green encourage guests to avoid unhealthy food – such as gluten, wheat, dairy, sugar, processed foods and caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and other stimulants, and even technology including social media. The hosts also promote what is called quantum detoxification – avoiding negative talk, images news and events, and surrounding one’s self with positive energy, motivational stories, happy people and inspiring thoughts. 

Each day on retreat is filled with natural positivity and power-boosting healthy nutrition. There are daily yoga fusion and yoga chill classes in the Yoga Shala and high energy fitness or pilates sessions scheduled at appropriate times. Energising green juice, fresh coconut water and detox supplements are incorporated daily to cleanse the system and refresh it. A delicious buffet-style healthy detox lunch is served to guests.

Also included is a retreat guide, the use of the shower room and products, unlimited herbal teas and mineral water, and a personal neti pot for nasal irrigation to cleanse the passages and naturally protect against illness. Throughout the retreat, experts are on hand with healthy eating ideas, meditation sessions, and discussions on well-balanced living. The session also includes a vipassana meditation taster to get in touch with your inner being.

Other recommendations include dry skin brushing for lymphatic cleansing and a host of other benefits, as well as a deeper liver flush that aids inner body health and prevents diseases such as diabetes and cancer. 

Love The Green also holds regular yoga classes and offers ‘Yoga For Party People’ concept sessions that aim to bring balance to hectic lives without completely changing them around. The venue is also available now for rent as a private retreat for up to 10 guests.

Returning to nature could not be more fun. Rediscover living at Love The Green yoga retreat!


About Faye Brown:

Love The Green was started by Faye Brown, who converted part of her beautiful home along the tranquil Talpona River into the retreat centre. With inspiration and knowledge drawn from gurus across India, this yoga expert combines tradition with a funky fusion style that engages people of all temperaments. Her sessions cater to beginners, part-practitioners and hard-core enthusiasts, as well as those who never thought they’d try it out.

Warm and bubbly, Faye’s personality adds an exuberant sense of warmth to retreats at Love The Green. She continuously researches and invites an international repertoire of guest experts who lead the sessions every day. Faye has a background in traditional Patanjali Hatha Yoga, and has also studied Ashtanya, Iyenger and Tantra styles.



Love The Green

229/3 Kharegoton



